Sunday, September 30, 2007

Hmmm..... Life's kinda eehhhhh for the moment..... There's no other word for life now..... eehhhhh's just gonna work for now. Hmmm.... 2 more days till the 1 month anniversary with jude. Hmmmm.... So darn fast sia..... Studying for O's... The GODDAMN O's..... O's O's O's..... I wanna go visit the Wizard of OZ.... So that he'll grant my wishes..... Emerald City here I come..... God... I'm so damn random..... I wanna pierce my lips.... I want a snake bite man.... Just hope I'll look good in it. I think I'll pierce one side first la.... If I like it then I'll pierce the other side. HAHAH!. Oh and nic's brother's friend's from Italy is called Nachos. Okay... Before I bring down the temperature of the world.....

Friday, September 07, 2007

I'M ONE BOREDPHUCK. I'M A BORED PHUCK. Anyways....... I'm bored. Yep. YEP. YEAH.
Tomorrow's roadshow is gonna be a nerve wreck.