Thursday, April 27, 2006

Today was SUPPOSED to be like another fun day when the air's filled with laughter and stuff. Unfortunately, it wasn't. Went to school, it was still okay. Went to the canteen, still okay. Pea comes over, still okay. Piss at me because Sean accepted my add and not hers, still okay. Starts talking about the Teachers' Day performance thingy, still okay UNTIL. UNTIL I suggested that we could do some old rock like Led Zepplin. She was soooooooo AGAINST the idea. I told her that she's soooooo CLOSED MINDED! Quote from her:" I'm already very open-minded okay. I don't mind old-school rock but NO LED ZEPPLIN!" She then goes on to say :" If you're not in the band for teachers' day don't blame me hor. My loyalty lies with the band." So I said "Fine la. Nevermind." Then I took my bag and put it in between both of us. I think she took it that I used my bag to tell her to go away as I moved away from her. All I wanted to do was to put my iPod into my bag without letting the WHOLE WORLD see it. So ya! She stood up and said: " Why do you have to be always so petty?" and walked away. In my head i was like: Why do you always have to be SOOO MEAN!!!! Dawn comes over and YAE! someone to talk to. MUMMY TO THE RESCUE!! I told her what happened. I told I-mai too. BUT I DID NOT TELL THE WHOLE WORLD DAMN IT!!! ANYHOW ACCUSE ME! While waiting for LAO ZHANG to come to the chinese class, I was standing at the railing and ranting my anger off to the space in front of me. I RANTED so much that i never thought I could rant so much. Anyways that was the happenings of the day. BTW>> I drew a REALLY NICE TBS THINGY IN MY SPO!!!

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