Thursday, December 21, 2006

HEY PEOPLE!!! I'm so bored. HAHA. Just woke up. I'm so tired but i can't go on sleeping. Anyway, went out with long lost friends RIZAL and SHINA. My brother tagged along too. Couldn't make up where we wanna go so went to CHINATOWN. You heard me right. CHINATOWN. Bought ribbons for Christmas wrapping. Walked around the place for a while. Got really bored. Got out of that place. Went on to VIVO CITY. Again. Went to TOYS'R'US. Again. It's like everytime I go to VIVO, the first place I go to is TOYS'R'US. HAHA. And i won't leave without buying something first. HAHA. After that, got really bored. so left for clarke quay. Walked around for a while til my brother and I had to leave because my dad isn't very happy about me being out til late everyday. lol. Took a cab back. Too much molah in my pocket la. HAHA. Reached home at about 7.30pm. Ate dinner. Wrapped presents. Watched Project Runway. Got a very unexpected call. A call from Oriana. Said something about me calling her a bitch. When she said that, the first person that came to my mind who would tell her something like this was RIZAL. I didn't call her a bitch. I just said that I didn't like her. It's just human nature not to like someone. I mean you can't probably like everyone no matter how nice you are. Then she said about how she was helping me out in school by saying I was nice and stuff when Marrilyn was oh-so jealous of me when I was with Jude. Seriously, I don't give a shit what people say about me. As long as I know that I'm real. After I ended the call, I smsed Rizal saying what a fucking liar he was. He bloody twisted my words! "Lil i gave your number to ori cause she said she wanna talk to you about jude cause i want you to be back with him...i didn't know she will use my name to lie i just called her" In the first place, why does he want be to go back to Jude? I mean he's okay and really nice but I'm sick of breaking up. Number 1. It takes an awfully long time to get over. Number 2. You're bloody heart feels sore for like a year. Number 3. It's just heart breaking. Number 4. I'm just sick of it. Number 5. It happens so much I don't know what I'm feeling sometimes. I mean we broke up and reconciled like so many bloody times I lost count.


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