Saturday, July 07, 2007

BABY I'M BACK. Not that my computer's fixed or anything. Well technically it is fixed but now my internet doesn't work on my computer. How FUCKED UP can that be man. Okay. It's been really really really long since I updated this blog. Since 4th June man. Anyway, I cannot, absolutely CAN'T wait for...
AHHHH!!!!!!! WILLIAM BECKET!!!!! HE is so DARN HOT!!! Okay. Yep. I can't wait man!!! Standing in the mosh pit with my feet off the ground. Great awesome music flooding my ears. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! ART IS KILLING ME SOFTLY. I'm so DARN HUNGRY! I haven't ate anything since I woke up. Well one piece of gum and that was all. MATT RUBANO and ADAM LAZZARA are SOOOOO HOT!!!! That was random. Well it got sparked of because I just went to check which bands were gonna perform at the Live Earth and guess what?!?!?!?!?! TAKING BACK SUNDAY IS GONNA PERFORM!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SIT IN FRONT OF MY TV AND SCREAM MY HEAD OFF. Afi, Fall Out Boy, Smashing Pumpkins, Snow Patrol, Kasabian, Metallica, Foo Fighters blah blah blah. The line-up is like damn good la!!! I bet TBS is like playing in NY right now. RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Damn. I should have gone to NY with Uncle Frankie when he went back. Hoping that I can go over during the EOY holidays. Maybe I'll be able to catch TBS LIVE MAN! HAHA!
Art has made me into a Radio Listener. Damn. Why? Every day I'll stay back in school to complete my art and 98.7 would be on. Yep.


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