Friday, April 04, 2008

I'm having ear worms.... Like there's these two songs that are like stuck in my head. And it keeps playing over and over again in my ears. Yea. The first one is Water's Edge by 1997. That song is AWESOME! I LOVE THAT SONG! It's really nice, and quite sad at the same time. The lines that are particularly stuck in my head are " Troubled Boy,/ I'll kiss you one last time/ and then say goodnight forever./ But Little Girl/ I'm not feeling well/ These nights are long and rough/ without you." Yea. It's like so sweet and so sad...
Here's the song. 

The next song is Sink, Florida Sink by Against Me!. Yep. It's a really nice song. I've been listening
to it for like forever. When you have a whole lotta songs in your iTunes, you'll kinda forget what
you use to listen to all the time until you put the whole iTunes on shuffle and it plays the song that
you've kinda forgot. (: I'm glad my iTunes played it again. I LOVE IT.
Okay. The person who made this video spelt it wrongly. HAHAH! But it's the only one where you
here the song properly. Yep.

I hope that you guys like the songs... (:

Music: Water's Edge by 1997.

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