Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Back to school. The holidays were so freaking short. Jude and Jeremy still have like 2 more weeks of holidays la! Tell me how unfair that is? Damn.... Yea. It was way too short to be called a holiday man. Damn. Anyways, my aunt is in Singapore for like one day with her friend so my mum like offered to let them stay at our place. So my brother and I are sharing the room with my parents for a night. HAHAHA! Macham like small kids like that.

Anyways, it was really nice to hang out with my friends in school again! (: And thank God that CSA shit is over.  

Speaking of God, I'm joining Our Lady Of Nativity Church for RCIA. Yea. It's gonna be quite interesting I think.

There's like a drama production, A Midsummer's Night Dream, in SJC this friday. I just found out about it. I've been quite distant from my Secondary School friends. Kinda feels like I never went through Secondary school. Everyone else still keep in touch. I lost everyone's number and I've been disconnected from them. Well at least I'm gonna meet a few of them at Fort Canning this Saturday. (: I miss hanging out with all of them. I miss hanging out with PEA. I can't believe we fell out just because of WOW and my brother.

Well I really wanna go for the play. I guess if I can't find my old friends to go with me, I can just ask my NEW friends! (:

Music: Bleeding Mascara by Atreyu.

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