Tuesday, July 08, 2008


That was just yesterday.

Yesterday was the last day I saw my brother. Now his on lockdown at the police station and charged with 4 cases. He might most probably be sent to a boys' home. It hurts me to see my brother like this. It hurts me more to see my parents fall to the ground and cry. Ultimately, they blame themselves for whatever wrong doing he has done. It's not fair. Just a few days ago, he told me he wanted to change. Before he could do anything, he's been caught. Why do things have to turn out like this? It hurts for me to see my family in this state. Damn the bloody mother fuckers who taught my brother how to smoke. Damn the bloody ass fuckers who dragged my brother into brotherhoods and fuck such. I should have strapped my brother to my side and bring him everywhere and go. I should have, but I didn't, and because of that, he's like this.

Music: Let It Be by The Beatles

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