Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Touch Me Baby.

The past week has been hectic. New store's really awesome! So come by and check out Starbucks at Tampines Mall. Really really cool stuff.

Fell sick. Headaches and body aches...

Guess what? MY DESK IS CLEAN!!! Credit goes to my incredibly, awesomely, sweet boyfriend... (: Tell me who would help you clean up your desk? Even my own brother won't help me. HAHA!

I'm screaming at the top of my lungs,
pretending the echos belong to someone.
Someone I used to know.


Freda said...

is that the shins there at the bottom??

yay, you finally updated!! :D

AutopsyAlien said...

HAHA! Yea! Actually it was The Postal Service but The Shins did a really cute cover of it too. (: