Saturday, April 25, 2009


I hate it when you never listen to me and in the end, it never matters. You'll blame me anyway. You never hear what I have to say. You find fault in me, for other's faults. It's fucking fucked up. If I weren't there, who the fuck will you blame then? Who? The next day, you act like nothing happened. Totally awesomeness man.

At least I learnt something today. I learnt how to play pool. I wouldn't have if I obeyed you blindly like a fucking stupid lackey. I've neither done anything wrong, nor am I doing anything immoral. I'm just following what my hearts tells me, what I feel is right. It's time for you to get a mind of your own and break this age-old tradition. It's time for change.

Right now, I don't really feel like talking to you at all. And I even kind of hate you. But this hate won't last, for you are after all my flesh and blood.

I just wish you would see where I'm coming from. Everyday. I wish.

I tried to be the one that everybody loved.
Where has that gotten me?
I tear myself to shreds to prove that I'm someone,
that I can never be.

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