Tuesday, August 08, 2006

HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!! LOL. Today was like kinda fun. And short. Was the EMCEE for our school's National Day Celebrations with SHANTINI a.k.a. MANIYAM MAMA! You know what, I think this is like the FOURTH time I emceed with her! MY EMCEE BUDDY! LOL. She's sooooo FUNNY! We like had SOOO MUCH FUN BACKSTAGE! LOL. We were like imagining what if the National Day THEME SONG was like a ROCK SONG. HAHA. The person singing it would be like swingging his/her head off man! :P The crowd would go CRAZEEEEEE!!! LOL. HARDCORE DANCING IS FUN! LOL. Then there would be BODY FLINGS and STAGE DIVES! LOL. A TYPICAL ROCK CONCERT. Let's just hope no one dies. LOL. Anyway, school was like selling MALT CANDY TODAY!!! MALT CANDY ROCKS!!! Yep. School was like suppose to end at 11.30 but they let us off at 11! That's like 1/2 an HOUR EARLY!! LOL. Went to ORCHARD after that to go take pictures of HOT GUYS' EYES!!! LOL. FOR ART. There was this really adorable caucasian kid who was like sooooo adorable! So i asked him if I can take a picture of him and he said okay. After I took the picture, he came over to me and said "My name is William. What's yours?" I told him my name and he took my hand and shoke it like a little adult! So WELL MANNERED! And SO YOUNG! SO CUTE! Some adults don't even have the basic manners man. Such a promising young lad. LOL.OH YA! We met MRS. MEENA at BORDERS!!!! She still remembers us!! LOL. I miss her loads!!! LOL. I FOUND THE GAY BOOK!!! RAINBOW ROAD!!! ARH!! 30 BUCKS PLUS ALL BECAUSE IT'S IN HARD COVER! No cash. ARGH!! I WANT THAT BOOK SOOOO BADLY!!!!! GAYS ROCK! Not that I'm gay or anything. LOL. 30 BUCKS! Gotta save up! I'm soooo tired. LOL.

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