Monday, September 18, 2006

Hey people. Recently I've been feeling really emo. So if I offended anyone I'm sorry. Well. Today sucks. I was suppose to like meet Jude today but he had oral. Why can't he like tell me earlier or something? Went for math remedial instead. Joy. Seriously. How long does it take to reply an sms? For him, it's forever. I just feel damn down. I think I'm over-reacting. Well. I'm feeling kinda sick. I felt like vomiting the whole day. Perhaps because I didn't really eat. No mood. My goal is to be bloody skinny by Christmas. So yep. Don't feed me. I only eat breakfast. Nothing else. If I'm like going-to-die kinda hungry then I'll eat recess.

We're just the boys and girls, That think they always know. With answers for the world. The ambiguity shows

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