Friday, September 29, 2006

Hey people! Today I went to Compass Point with Wei Xin and my "les" partner DAWN! HAHA. Play play one la. I got boyfriend how can be les? lol. Anyway, Dawn told me that Natasha told her that there was going to be a KCP carnival in KCP before they TEAR IT DOWN! TEAR IT DOWN!? I'm like so GONNA MISS IT SO MUCH! I better not wear eye-liner tomorrow. Later smudge like siao. Oh mans! How I wish I could tell Ms Toh about it but she doesn't teach in the school anymore. MAN! I MISS JUDE! Couldn't meet him today because his Grand-dad just passed away. That made me think of my grand-dad. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. I really miss him (my grand-dad) a lot.

Sadness Is Beautiful. Lonliness Is Tragical.

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