Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Okay. My fucking msn is like not bloody working. FUCK! I have to like bloody use my brother's user to like log on. Like WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK. I'm like soooooo FED UP! Anyway, school was such a slack today. Just got loads and loads of BLAH BLAH BLAHS from the teachers. Well. It's the first day of school. D'OH. Okay. Went to VIVO CITY with DAWNEY and SAMMY after school today. Just went there to be fashion critics. HAHA. Met many friends I haven't seen since last year. And of course, like any bitch, I saw many of my enemies too. Every bitch has another bitch to hate. I'm a BITCH. I am and proud of it! FUCK IT! I don't give a FUCKING SHIT what those dogs think about me. Anyway, I STILL LIKE JUDE. NEVER GOT OVER HIM. And I don't think I ever would.


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