Friday, January 19, 2007

Okay. I haven't been updating the blog. Anyway, we had a great tome at DRAMA today!!! HAHA! It was CCA orientation day! Anyway, all of us had to wear a costume. HAHA! At first I picked out a Witch's outfit. Yep. The thingy like showed my clevage la! HAHA! I had to like pin it with my name tag. Anyway, I didn't really like the outfit. Fel was like wearing a Arwen costume. She didn't like it. I didn't like mine. So we switched! HAHA! I was suprised that I could fit into it man! And it was like just right! 'Cept that it was a little too long. HAHA. It was okay la the outlook. HAH. Many Sec 1s signed up for the auditions. You know what? I'm bored of typing so I'll do my best to like update more often. Peace.

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