Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm going crazy. My brother's insane. My dad is exhausted. My mum is hurting.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

We Are Super Beings!

Hello people. I'm typing in the dark right now. Yea. This post is gonna be a short one so yea. Here it goes. I just came back from Raffles City. Was doing the CSA Web Project with Michelle. I swear we rock sia! We already planned out all the stuffos and everything. The only thing left is the embeding and linking and content. That would be easy. The best part is, we are doing our dreamweaver differently from people. I drew out the navigation buttons and such. (: Wish us luck for the project! I'll try to put up a trial thingy for the site to see if it works on blogspot. Then you guys can go check it out! (: Peace Yo!

Music: Lexington by Chiodos.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Awesome. I love nights like this. It makes me so............ Yea. So............
I wished everynight was like tonight. (:

Music: Say It Again by Marie Digby

Sunday, July 13, 2008


My first birthday without my brother. It's weird and empty. At least I know he's coming home soon. Well it's just a birthday. My family did nothing much to celebrated it. My grandma cooked birthday mee. My mum cooked fried rice. Yea. They were delicious though they sound plain. Yep.

I can't believe I'm 17 already. Man, that's damn fast.

The day before yesterday, Jessheel, Hui Ting, Daphne, Michelle, Simon, Chris, Nik and I went to smoke ShiSha at Haji Lane. Yep. At first I thought it was just like an outting. BUUUTTTTT!!!! THEY HAD A CAKE FOR ME! AWWW SHUCKS! They are soooo sweet! (: Thanks guys!

And yesterday I met Jude and Jeremy for dinner. I thought it would probably be some ordinary dinner at Swensens. BUTTTTT!!!!!! Jude secretly ordered a firehouse ice-cream thingy for my birthday. AWWW SHUCKS! Yea! HAHAHA! SO SCHWEET! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

And before I went to meet Jude and Jeremy, I was at Vivo City with Kristal, Nicole, Sean and Edwin! We went to Earle's Swensens. Yep. They paid for my meal and made this really really nice card. AND THE CHOCS WERE DELICIOUS! Yea. We had the firehouse thing too! (: And we went to PageOne. And I FINALLY FOUND UMBRELLA ACADEMY! Yea! After that we went to Pet Safari! Edwin and Sean each bought 2 hamsters each. They are ADORABLE! I miss Jack Black. Yea. Sean bought them for a certain someone. *AHEM* This girl with a name starting with the letter G. HAHAHAH! Yea! Thanks guys for the wonderful day! HEARTS!

Music: Frequently Baby by Melee.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


That was just yesterday.

Yesterday was the last day I saw my brother. Now his on lockdown at the police station and charged with 4 cases. He might most probably be sent to a boys' home. It hurts me to see my brother like this. It hurts me more to see my parents fall to the ground and cry. Ultimately, they blame themselves for whatever wrong doing he has done. It's not fair. Just a few days ago, he told me he wanted to change. Before he could do anything, he's been caught. Why do things have to turn out like this? It hurts for me to see my family in this state. Damn the bloody mother fuckers who taught my brother how to smoke. Damn the bloody ass fuckers who dragged my brother into brotherhoods and fuck such. I should have strapped my brother to my side and bring him everywhere and go. I should have, but I didn't, and because of that, he's like this.

Music: Let It Be by The Beatles

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Eco Emo.

Just came back from school! Had Visual Central Day camp today. (: It was really really fun! (: I made a few new friends!!! (: YIPPPEEEEE! I'm really hungry so i'm gonna go eat NOWWWW!

Music: Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

So You Stole My Heart, And Left Me A Ransom Letter.

We're like living different lives.
We moved out of each other's hearts.

Anyways, I'm gonna meet SHEEEEL! later for a jog. It's high time I lose some weight and gain back my sex appeal. HAHAHAH! Okay, maybe not because I wanna gain back my sex appeal but I just wanna look good and firm and not fat and flabby. YEP!

Cleaned up my whole house except my room today. Did the laundry, vaccuumed the whole house etc. HAHAHA!

Music: Time To Pretend by MGMT.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Begging You To Die.

I NEED A JOB! PRONTO! In need of cash. Cold hard cash baby! Yea. Went swimming over at MICHELLE'S  after school today. Yep. It was like the first time I swam in a really long time man... HAHA! I'm suprised that I could still fit into my swim suit since I've gained so much weight and become so darn fat. HAHAH! FLABBY THIGHS AND CALVES IN WATER! It really is a funny feeling, flapping your fats in water. They move in slow motion. HAHAHHA! I'm so darn explicit. HAHAHA! Daphne, Jes and Michelle tried it too! HAHAH! After that we went to grab an ice-cream and went up to Michelle's place. Ate dinner. The OMELETE WAS DAMMMN NICE! HAHAH! Yea. The chicken also. AFTER DINNER WAS TIME FOR MAHJONG! HAHA! I swear I sound so damn auntie. I never won one game... Michelle won all  the games. HAHA! Jes is such a bimbo at Mahjong. HAHA!

I can't wait to go running tomorrow with Jes and Daphne. (: Lose some of those calories we consumed for the past few months. I swear, whoever who hangs out with me will soon be fat like me. Because I'm always eating and they'll eat with me too.

I miss Jude.

Music: The Ponytail Parade (Acoustic) by Emery.