Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Begging You To Die.

I NEED A JOB! PRONTO! In need of cash. Cold hard cash baby! Yea. Went swimming over at MICHELLE'S  after school today. Yep. It was like the first time I swam in a really long time man... HAHA! I'm suprised that I could still fit into my swim suit since I've gained so much weight and become so darn fat. HAHAH! FLABBY THIGHS AND CALVES IN WATER! It really is a funny feeling, flapping your fats in water. They move in slow motion. HAHAHHA! I'm so darn explicit. HAHAHA! Daphne, Jes and Michelle tried it too! HAHAH! After that we went to grab an ice-cream and went up to Michelle's place. Ate dinner. The OMELETE WAS DAMMMN NICE! HAHAH! Yea. The chicken also. AFTER DINNER WAS TIME FOR MAHJONG! HAHA! I swear I sound so damn auntie. I never won one game... Michelle won all  the games. HAHA! Jes is such a bimbo at Mahjong. HAHA!

I can't wait to go running tomorrow with Jes and Daphne. (: Lose some of those calories we consumed for the past few months. I swear, whoever who hangs out with me will soon be fat like me. Because I'm always eating and they'll eat with me too.

I miss Jude.

Music: The Ponytail Parade (Acoustic) by Emery.

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