Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Tests fucking suck. BIG TIME. DUH...

My hand is still in a cast.. BUT NOT FOR LONG! (:


Ben and Jerry's Chunk fest was AWESOME! There were bands performing and I have to say they were not too shabby. They played great MOOOSIC...

I just got a Diana F+. Okay.. Not just... A while ago. I've yet to scan my film in...

My friends and I plan to make an Adam Lazzara shirt because we're so in love with him. News flash, my friend's a dood...

I can't wait for the holiday to come.. Although it's only for 2 short tiny weeks...

I've yet to wrap up Christmas presents man...

Everyone who has been my friend until now will get one. (: Just to thank you guys for being my friend. Really appreciate it.

Okay, I'm gonna go back to studying for Organizational Behaviour... ZZZ....

Music: I Believe In A Thing Called Love by The Darkness.

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