Thursday, March 12, 2009

Starbucks. My "Third" Place. (:

I spend a whole lotta time at Starbucks. Not only because I work there, I go to Starbucks even after I just got off work. Even now, I'm at Starbucks at Compass Point, with Jude, waiting for him to finish his assignments, having a Tall Hazelnut Soy Steam Milk.

I swear Judey boy has the longest boy-lashes I've ever seen. They're so pweeety.... I wish I had nice nice eyelashes like him... Mine are so darn short.t

Anyways, I really wanna go for the Oasis concert, and sing along with them to "Wonderwall".

I really need to piss... BIG TIME. But I'm lazy to go to the toilet like 100 metres away...

But if you wanna leave, take good care.
Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear,
but then a lot of nice things turn bad out there.

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