Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sometimes I wish I can save you.

There's just so many things that I want to tell you. Things that I wish you will understand. I wish you would know what the fuck you're doing sometimes. What do I have to do to make you understand? If you want me to speak in a different language I would spend days and nights to just learn that language so long as you understand. Is it so much to ask for? For you to be normal? For you to just love yourself? For you to just be you, like when you used to? You'll never know the pain I feel for you. Never. Every single day, I think of you. I think of ways to help you. I think of ways to get to know you better. I think of ways on how I can be closer to you. I said "you can't save everyone" once. I guess it's a harsh reality, but I refuse to believe so. I want to save you. I need to. I need to save you. Because no one else will. Only me. I need to save you. You'll hate what I'll do but you have to understand where I'm coming from. Just understand me for once. Give yourself a chance to save yourself. Stop wasting it all away. You have youth, you have health. Don't throw it all away. You know I love you. So so much. But how much do you love yourself? What is your self-worth?

Take a breath

I pull myself together

Just another step till I reach the door

You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you

I wish that I could tell you something

To take it all away

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