Wednesday, August 16, 2006

HEY HEY HEY!!! PAUL TWOHILL TODAY!!! ON SINGAPORE IDOL!!! LOL.. I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT TO START MAN! Anyway. I HATE THIS CERTAIN TEACHER! SHE'S SO BORING AND ANNOYING. AND I CAN'T SAY THE NAME AS I MIGHT GET BUSTED. ASS... Anyway, today during BIO, i kinda like fell asleep.. Damn boring. Whatever that she says is in the BLOODY TEXT! So ya. Oh and i didn't know that SLAM DUNK was like a BLOODY FUNNY COMIC!!! LOL. I don't believe that I actually read manga. LOL. Finished it like today. I was like laughing to myself the whole day la... LOL. Like some crazy idiot. LOL. It was a good comic. Then it was CCA! Actually there was MATH REMEDIAL first but I like kinda PON it. LOL. Went to LONG JOHN'S with NANA! LOL. Talk and talk and talk. Then, DON'T LOOK BACK IN ANGER by OASIS came ON!!! LOL!! NANA AND I WERE LIKE: PPPPPAAAAAUUUUULLLLL!!!! LOL. haha. Then there was like this group of MUDDS that came with bicycles. And their bikes are like lame... There was like head lights for toy motor bikes on the front. Damn LAME! I so should have took a picture of it man! LOL.


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