Sunday, August 27, 2006

Today's a FUCKED UP day. Actually, EVERYDAY IS A FUCKED UP DAY AT HOME. HOME'S not the word to use. HOUSE. A place where I go to rest, study and stuff. It's not HOME. HOME DOES NOT EXIST IN MY LIFE. PERHAPS AKLTG is my HOME. THE DRAMA ROOM during CCA is my HOME. ANYWHERE, except BLK 204B PUNGGOL FIELD #07-302 Singapore 822204. ANYWHERE. This place is like a WAR-FIELD. NO ONE SENDING IN PEACE-KEEPERS YET??? They better do it fast 'cause DREAMS are being CRUSHED. HOPES have been DISCARDED. JOY has been TAKEN AWAY. I NEED SOME LOVING. I'm hurting so MUCH HERE!!! MY EARS ARE DYING. The machine guns, granade and everything else never stop coming at me. TAKE ME AWAY!!! TAKE ME AWAY RIGHT NOW. I prefer to be that insignificant idiot. They won't notice me then. My ears are going deaf not because of the loud noise aroung but because of the kind of noise I blast myself with. Why do I blast myself? TO GET AWAY. TO BE TRANSPORTED TO A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PLACE but I'm still here. Everyday feels like as if one knife has been added to my body. Isn't it fun? I'm like a DART BOARD. A deer being hunted down. A CAR CRASH.


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