Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Okay. I'm gonna say this to the whole world. And once I do, I can't back out. :

I, Lilian Huang, will and must do the following things.
-Clean and arrange my room neat and tidy.
-Clean the rest of the house.
-Wash and iron clothes.
-Replace items in the house that is not up to standard.
-Cook dinner most of the nights. 
-Start to make decisions for myself, by myself.
-Appreciate every little thing.
-Take control of my emotions.
-Get the freaking bunk bed out of my room.
-Ask for help when needed.
-Be pleasant. 
-Have more believe in myself.
-Stop putting myself down.
-Most importantly, Be myself no matter what. ( Although cleaning and all that shizzays don't really sound like me. LOL) 

Yep. I have to do all that is listed above.  I would probably need help in a few areas though. (: Hopefully I can follow this tiny guide and even maybe add more stuff to it to improve myself, improve the life at home, improve the life of my family and friends. I really hope that the days to come would be happy days. 

1 comment:

Eve Rachael said...

Hope you had a gr8 CNY, probably see you arnd if 4G's really gna have a reunion ^^
And now I can finally, totally understand why you like Sid Vicious so much. I think he's so hot after watching Sid And Nancy! Agghhhh