Monday, February 02, 2009

Machete In Back.

I never thought you would say those hurtful things behind my back.
I never thought you disliked me that much.
I've always thought you were someone I could talk when I needed to. 
I guess I was wrong. 
I can't believe my eyes. 
It's frustrating to know that I confided so much in you when you had so much dislike for me. 

I have never dislike you in anyway.
You've helped me a whole lotta times. I've helped you too. We scratched each other's back. 
But I guess all those time, you were just judging me, gathering things to gossip about.

Never thought I say this but,

Really really upset. I swear, I have never been this upset before. I don't know how I'm gonna talk to you or anything anymore. Really.

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