School was kinda a bore today... I PASSED MY MICROECONS PAPER! (: HAHAHA! That makes two passes this time! And the rest... Let's not bring it up...
Anyways, today after school, hung around with Phoebe for a while, go get my Marketing Fundamentals book, and we got this mini notebook made out of rough paper and cut-up binders. The auntie there gave us one each for free. HAHA! It's sooo cute! Perfect for grocery shopping or little to-do notes. Perfect way of recycling too. (:
RAFIA STRINGGGG!!!! Only Phoebe will know what I'm talking about... HAHAHA!
Anyways, after school, after I left school, went to Judey boy's place! Like finally! I miss that boy so much. HAHA! He has so much to do, like school and the website and stuff... I wished I could help him take those "virtual papers", and fling them out of the window. But I'm not IT savvy, so that will be a teeny wiennny bit challenging.
It was nice hanging out with him. Love that boy you know...
He was like showing me the Universe on his HUGE Universe book he got from Andrew for Christmas. And he flipped the pages really quickly, that meant "Across the Universe".... LAME!
Hahaha! Bloody cute la...
One night of love, left my heart in a mess...
Music: In Love by The Kooks.
HOEMYGAWD i'm leaving you a love note...dont tell jude
hah joke
HAHAHA! Nothing much... 'Cept the sky... And the clouds..
i wanna live in a
still hate yellow, lol.
btw, i linked you already!!
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