Thursday, February 05, 2009


Today, I woke up late for work. Again. Best part is, I don't have an apron! Left it somewhere. :(
So I thought that the store would have a spare one or something. It did have a spare one but someone was already using it. So I had to go to East Point to borrow an apron. When I finally got back on the floor, I was so retarded. There was a slam and I kinda kept freezing up and moving in the wrong directions and I kept stuttering. Sue was pretty pissed. Well I don't blame her. It's me. I'm too rusty in my skills. At that time I was really feeling the stress and I swear I almost broke down. But I kept singing "Three Little Birds" in my head. On repeat. It really helps man. That song works wonders. Never fails to loosen up your muscles and bringing up the mood.  

I wished you were here. 
I would hold you close, 
Ever so near. 

You see the good in me,
that few would ever see.
Even me.

If I'd lost everything.
All except you,
I'd never look further,
for any comfort,
for you are right here for me. 

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