Thursday, July 20, 2006

HEY HEY HEY!!!! BACK!!! MY COMPUTER RESURRECTED!!! LOL! Anyway... Today our lit group had to be "teachers" for the day. Yep. I admit that I didn't really put in effort. Partially because my computer blew up. No chatting. No viewing videos and stuff... Anyway. The point is that I DIDN'T GET TO USE THE COMPUTER FOR LIKE PRETTY LONG! If it was use-able, I would have typed my lit short story out on the com and would not have to type it with a BLOODY IRRITATING TYPEWRITER! I kinda got wrongly acussed for being able to use the com and not contributing as much as them. I DID NOT UPDATE MY BLOG! I USED THE SCHOOL COM TO MERELY TYPE A SMALL TAG ON MY OWN BLOG!!! Anyway. It's cool now. I was soooo bloody pissed during lit. Well... You can just let me do all the talking if you want it to be fairer. And SOME PEOPLE just want to SAY EVERYTHING... People who know me well... Well... You know who I'm talking about.

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