Friday, July 21, 2006

HEYHEYHEY!!!!! Just read Paul Twohill's blog... HE LIKES REINVENTING YOUR EXIT!!! SOOOOO DOOOO IIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!! Lol. It's a song. Pretty GREAT! Really catchy too! Quite unknown too. LOL. This is the way I would have done this. Up against your wall up against your wall. *Screams*YOU GOT ME UP AGAINST YOUR WWAAALLL!!! It starts again, can you feel it? It takes your breath away... Okay... You get the idea. LOL. SCREAMO/ HARDCORE/ ALTERNATIVE... I gotta thank JAMIE for like introducing me to like all these kinda bands man!!! THANKS JAMIE!!! Well, RIZ kinda intro too... didn't really have an impact though... LOL... ANYWAY... TODAY... SCHOOL WAS SOOOOO BORING.... AND YESTERDAY, I WAS SOOOO SCARED THAT PAUL WAS GONNA BE OUT!!! NOT THAT I DON'T HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM BUT IT'S JUST THAT ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!! When he was like called to the stage, I CRIED!!!! I was SOOOO SCARED!!!! When Gayle was the one out, I JUMPED AROUND THE HOUSE LIKE A MAD PERSON. Not that I wanted Galye out but because PAUL PULLED THROUGH!!! I felt that Galye did not derserve to be out. I thought that Jay would be out. AND WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT.... EMILEE IS STILL IN THE COMPETITION... BLOODY CHEENA-FIED IDIOT... SHE SHOULD BE OUT! And Joakim can't sing for Michael Jackson's NUTS!!! He's in solely on the fact that he's cute and charming. I GOTTA GO.... TUITION....

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