Monday, October 02, 2006

Gonna put on braces tomorrow. Jude was suppose to come with but he has to go to his Grand-dad's burial thingy. Yep. So I guess I'll go alone. Unless anyone volunteers to come with? LOL. Anyway, I miss Jude! Those three words are said to frequently. Man. I miss him A LOT. Art was kinda okay today. We did our own stuff. Like do our research work for the final piece. Yep. I'm doing Sadness. I can relate to that topic quite well. Feeling kinda sad that's why. I'm gonna have my braces to be RED, BLACK and WHITE! My COLOURS! LOL. I'm damn random today. I feel like crying. Man. Okay. I'm gonna see him soon. At least on Wednesday. Yep. That's two days from now. 48 hours. Okay. I think I can last.

Your Hands Are Shaking Cold.

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