Monday, August 10, 2009


Today was a day well-spent. The sun did not go to waste, neither did the sea. Jude's family and I spent our day at the beach, tanning, swimming and just enjoying a little R&R. Not Rock & Roll but Rest & Relax... (: Now I have not a golden tan but a RED TAN. Damn.... If I tanned as much as Sharon or Jude, I would have become Roasted Pork by the end of the day man. Really enjoyed today. If it wasn't for Jude's gift of prescribing me better medication, I think I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. Still coughing a little, but I've recover miraculously since yesterday's fever and non-stop coughing till morning. Thanks Judey Boy. I swear he's a genius.

I've just watched 300 on channel 5. I would say it's a pretty good movie. Hilarious at times but it really has a whole lot of inspirational quotes. I can't remember them all. Maybe I shall watch it again someday to catch them.

Freedom isn't free at all, that it comes with the highest of costs. The cost of blood.

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