Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Clash.

Today is the day I have had it with Goh Aik Chuan. He can jolly well go take his Hokkien cussing and shove it up his arsehole. If he points at me with his fucking finger ever again, I WILL BREAK IT. I mean what I say. I WILL FUCKING BREAK IT IF HE POINTS SO FUCKING RUDELY AT ME AGAIN. Low EQ, what can I say? I'm sorry if I'm totally straight forward and frank, but THIS IS MY BLOG. It's MY channel to say what I want to say. AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO NAME PEOPLE WHO PISS ME OFF. Stop distracting the whole class with your LOUD FUCKED UP VOICE. Although I don't believe in stupid questions, the questions you ask are pretty stupid. Read up on your general knowledge before you start going around, acting like a know-it-all. SO WHAT IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE TEACHING FOR 6 MONTHS? It does not make you a better than us to BOAST. By the way, you have NOTHING to boast about. I don't know how much your students learned from you. Even if they did, I guess it must be how to speak really bad English.

I just really really dislike you. Stop coming my way. GET THE POINT? Since day 3 I do not want to be your friend. NO. NOT FRIENDS.


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