Monday, August 10, 2009


Today, I found out my that my brother has used the word Spliff wrongly on his post. In Singapore, you'll never go free with spliff in you pockets. He thinks spliff means drugs, when spliff mean Weed. He got that word from Skins. Bloody brainless fool. He thinks he's all-so Brit by using Brit slangs like "wanker", "twat" and shits like that. He's such a wanker. Literally. I mean come on. He's so doing it on purpose so that he looks cool. Nobody knows his other side. He never uses "twat". He use the term "chee-bye". Figure that out. If you read this, brother, seriously lay off on the Brit lingo. You're in Singapore, not Great Britain. Once or twice is fine, but you are pushing it so far people see you as a fake, as a wanna-be, as a poseur.

P.S. Kate Nash was soooo 2 years ago.

1 comment:

Freda said...

haha, not sure why i'm smiling at this. thing is, i never like kate nash either. and oh, abt the blogger formatting thing, why dont you try another browser? or load pics up flickr/photobucket-- so you dont have to format it?
