Sunday, July 11, 2010


My weekend has been very AWESOME I must say! :D  Thanks to Jude and Jeremy for making the best 3-person party ever!

First off, we wanted to go to Gardens to eat at Thai Express. Little did we know that place was closed! ): Under renovation/ Closed down.

So Jude and I went to find somewhere else to eat. And we decided to eat at Borsch Russian restaurant. I was like saying "Let's try something different... " BAD SERVICE IS NOT DIFFERENT. Other than that, I enjoyed the company so I guess they cancelled each other out. Jude and I were there first. Then Jude received a call from Jeremy, and went to pick him up...... Then, TA-DAH! Jeremy appears with a guitar bag on his back! AND THAT'S MY GIFT! OMFG!!! It was a nice glossy-polished classical guitar. :D One more friend for me! Thank you guys sooo sooo much!

After that, we went down to Devils and Angels to have a little fun. Well, at least what I can remember. After the Flaming Lambourgine, I can't remember anything much. Everything was very hazy. I can remember squinting my eyes to try to focus on the words Jim Beam on the bottle. Hahaha! And then I magically got home. No idea how that happened. All I can remember is opening my house door.

Well that was the magical Pre-Birthday party. I enjoyed myself TOO MUCH. But no harm done I guess? :D

Thank you Jude and Jeremy, once again, for making this a blast!

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