Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Repo Men.

Repo Men was pretty good. I won't say awesome but good. Lots of blood and weird awkward scenes (if you know what I'm talking about.) Imagine this, you are cutting yourself up and making out with your lover??? Is that like some kind of new weird-ass fetish that I haven't heard about? Hahaha! Overall, I would say the story has a unexpected ending. Well at least for me. The guys behind me had really funny reactions to the bloody scenes. They were like "KNNCB!" Noobs. Never watch gory stuff before. It's not the goriest movie I've watched.

Jude Law is seriously balding...

I'm heading of to bed. Ciao.

If you be my star,
I'll be your sky.
You can hide underneath me
and come out at night.

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