Sunday, August 24, 2008

Don't Leave Me High.... ( and drunk.)

Last night was Jude's birthday party but his birthday isn't until the 26th. Yep. The party was a BLAST! And just like last year's party, Jude's cousins made me take a photo with him. I'm like damn shy one la... HAHAHA! I love my baby. The party picked up pace and soon the police were knocking on the front door. HAHAHAHA! Around that same time, I had too many shots and felt really tipsy. I was still sober, just a little high. Hahaha! Drank shitload of water to "balance" it out. Felt alright again and drank a lot more shots. I swear it was one after another. And I tasted Grey Goose vodka. Just by itself. NEAT. I'm not much of a fan of drinking it neat. Prefer it when I mix it with something. Since we couldn't blast music out in the living room without disturbing the neighbours, Jude's room became a little club. HAHAHA! It was ace! Jude was like really high. Well the whole room was. It's so nice to see people all have fun and let loose. I need to learn how to do that. I am clueless when it comes to partying. I'm like the person who sits at a club, drinks and does not dance. HAHAHA! Later on when we started playing rock music, I got really high from a whole lot of shots and started jumping and headbanging and stuff la. HAHAHA! Yea. I was damn tired after that though. Fell asleep on Jude's bed while they were still partying. When I woke up, everyone was outside. Then I went back to sleep. When I finally woke up for good, I went out to the corridoor to see what are they doing, and there were the police again. HAAHA! They haven't got anything better to do... Jude and Jeremy went to sleep shortly after. I just sat on the couch stoning until 10 am. HAHAHA! I swear I was so in a daze. Went to wake Jeremy up to go home. Yea. Jude was like sleeping so I just gave him a peck on his cheek and left. Everyone is like high and drunk. Dru gave Jeremy and I 10 bucks each to get a cab home. When I got home, I ate, bathed and slept until 6 something. Gosh... I woke up quite dizzy and my throat feels really sore and I was coughing quite badly. I think Jude must have passed me his cough from all the snogging in between the songs. Yea. Now I'm gonna go have dinner. THE PARTY WAS ACE. Yea. Will post up photos once I get them. Happy birthday in advance Jude baby!

Music: House Of Suffering by The Bled.

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