Friday, October 10, 2008

I Can't Sleep. Everything I Ever Do Is A Lie Without You.

Man... I went to bed at 9pm. And now I'm wide awake... I was wide awake since 12am... I have no idea why I cannot continue to sleep. What to do. And Jude's not awake yet. Since 4 plus. What to do. I need to pee. But I'm lazy to get down from my bunk bed. What to do. Maybe I will really have to get down if I don't want to wet my bed. HAHAHA! I'm like really sleepy but I can't sleep. Kae. I shall try and sleep. Anyways, I got new Macbeth Shoes today! (: I know, I know. What the hell do I need so many Macbeths for. I just like them. Like A LOT. They are the most comfy shoes that look awesome. Unlike Crocs. Crocs puts you in danger of getting your toes ripped off by the hungry escalator. And I got myself a new Instant Camera. The Fuji Film one. Since Polaroid film isn't gonna be around for long, and they are very costly now, I decided to get another instant camera. Yep. Sad though. I really love Polaroid. OKAY. I NEED TO SLEEP. GOING FOR A VC MEETING TOMORROW.

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