Sunday, November 26, 2006

Hey. Went for booster yester day. Booster was great man! All my participants were there! Haha! There were shortage of coaches so we had to do mega groups! LOL. I did the mega group with VANESSA! LOL. She was kinda clueless though. Anyway, she kinda go with the flow. Haha. Anyway, PAUL'S GONNA BE AT THE CHRISTMAS BASH!!!!! Well, most prob. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! LOL! Anyway, after booster, the coaches went to Marina Square. Well, it's like a "tradition" for the coaches to go out after booster. LOL. Well at least that's what we did for the last camp. And the one before. And the ones before the one before. And the ones last year. You get the picture. LOL. But this year's outting was quite disappointing though. We couldn't agree on what we wanted to do and stuff. Oh well.... just like what fish said. It's life. Deal with it. From a few became 3. Fishball, Vanessa and me. Decided to go watch the Grudge 2. Van freaked like crazy. Couldn't feel my hand man! Fish looked bored. Lol. I was in the middle of freaked and bored. Some parts were really funny though. And boring and scary. Actually, it was the sound effects that makes it damn freaky. LOL. Before that, wen to the arcade. Played Tekken 5 with Fish! I BEAT HIM!!!! LOL. And I'm a Girlie! HAHA. Then me and Van went parapara-ing. Yep. parpara! It was kinda fun. HAHA. It had been a LONG time since i did that! HAHA. When we were dancing, Fish looked really bored.... So we wanted to drag him to do the parara thing but couldn't. LOL. Well..... Okay. Fish didn't say a word almost through out the "outting". One word for that. EMO. Van said he was pms-ing. But he's a guy! LOL. Well when I was on the bus home, my mom called me and said that she's going to leave for the airport already and wanted to see me before she leaves. Thank GOD I arrived home in time to see her off. I'm gonna miss her. Hope she gets me some nice stuff from HONG KONG! LOL. Well I got home. Very tired and weary. Bathed. Talk to fish for a while. Went to bed. But i wasn't sleeping yet. I was kinda reflecting about my life and stuff. Kinda got all emo and cried myself to sleep. Haha. It's been a long time since I did that. It was great being able to let out all that I kept inside myself after so long. When I woke up this morning, I got a shock of my life man! My eyes were like puffy! Haha. Well it's better now. Now I know why I don't like to cry. People say that crying like a sign of weakness. Not for me. I still can remember a certain incident in school when I got so stressed up I broke down. This girl, said " No wonder she's in Drama." What the hell does she mean by that? That I cried my way in, through the audish? Well. Some people are like that. What to do.


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