Thursday, November 30, 2006

Went for drama today. Assigned to be the runner. LOL. Kinda frantic. Haha. Finding the lost casts and stuff. Haha. This is only a practice though. Imagine on the 4th man! I bet it'll be ke-raaaaayyyy-zzzeeeee! It was kinda fun. Before drama, went to Compass Point with DAWN for breakfast. At last I got to see DAWNEY!!! I miss her like soooo much! LOL. Updated her on "the situation". Ahem. She knows what is it about. LOL. Yep. Then I told her about the RK house prank thingy that FISHBALL sent me last night and it was such a coincedence that it was actually recorded by ben and his bro! LOL! (ben's her ex.... ) LOL. I didn't have to add that but oh well. Drama went well. Almost everyone is irritated by TUSH but few of us (me included) appreciate the things he's doing for the production. I mean he takes the trouble to give feedback to the casts and stuff, do vocal warm-ups. Ya! He even stayed back today to like help with the painting of sets while the other guys left even before we could say BALAMOS! That's how much effort he's putting into the production. LOL. Yep. After Drama, went to have lunch at Mac's. McSpicy meal.... Yummy. Came back home. Brother home with really irritating friends of his. They like come over everyday as if they don't have their own home to be in. What's worse is that they are so vulgar and they think they know it all and seen it all. They don;t even know that there are in denial. I don't even think they would know what's that. LOL.
Away from that topic before I get vulgar too. LOL. I don't get being in love. It's always a different feeling. Why can't it just be a constant feeling? I mean sometimes it feels damn good. But some times it's painful. Sometimes, it hurts. Well there's a song that goes "Well it's LOVE. Make it HURT." I guess that's it. Love is suppose to hurt i guess. Like sex? LOL. So LOVE might be = to SEX after all. HAHA. Oh well. I'm like damn bored. Anyone for ice-skating? Jumping of the second floor? Anyone? Fishing? Getting wasted? Gig-ing? I've got ideas but no friends. That's like damn sad and it makes me feel like a loser la. LOL. At least I have my X-BOX THREE SIXTY! Okay. I'm bored of my x-box too. DAMN!!!!! 3 FULL DAYS TILL I'LL BE FLYING AWAY FROM ALL THIS SHIT OF BEING IGNORED AND BEING TREATED COLDLY! YA! YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT! FUCK YOU GUYS!

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