Thursday, June 08, 2006

Hay PAOS! Hahaha. Just felt like saying that. Came back from DRAMA CAMP yesterday! It was like soooo FUN! Yea. Late nights, late MORNINGS!!! Haha. On the first day, Shantini and I like woke up at 8.15am! Usually at other camps we have to liek wake up at 6.30!! Which is like BLOODY EARLY! Haha. Yea. Reggie is like gonna call ME NINIAN forever... Haha. My iPOD rocks! We went to Ngee Ann Poly to like have a tour and to know more about MASS COM!! Yea. IT'S LIKE BLOODY COOL! Now I'm like stuck between choosing a JC or NGEE ANN after my Os which would be in 2007. Damn! I wanna go NGEE ANN! Mum does not really approve of me going to a Poly. What's so bad about POLY?

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