Friday, June 02, 2006

Hey people!!! I'm like TOTALLY CRAZEEEE about PAUL!!! Haha. You know that EMO-FIED DUDE in SINGAPORE IDOL!!! Hahaha. I was like damn CRAZEEE la! This is like the first time that I ever got SOOO CRAZEEEE about a SINGAPORE IDOL CONTESTANT! Hahaha. His voice is like damn nice la! I actually VOTED for him! My FIRST TIME voted for anyone on SINGAPORE IDOL! Anyway, I think a lot of people are like as crazy as me, BUT I BEG TO DIFFER! I'm GONNA BE CRAZIER!!! *MUAHAHAHA* Now I sound like some evil person. Hahaha. I was like not at home last night because I had to go to my friend's birthday dinner at Orchard. Oh MAN! I'll miss my DEAR TWOHILL!! Anyway friend's kinda more important at the moment so I decided to go for the dinner. Yep. We went to Seoul Garden. I have like never EATEN SO MUCH MEAT for DINNER before! Haha. So ya. As we were eating, I was like anxiously waiting for the GOOD NEWS that PAUL GOT IN. Yep. The sms came. PAUL GOT IN!!! HHAHAHAH! I almost lost control of myself man! I was like in Seoul Garden and I like ALMOST SCREAMED!! Hahaha. If I did, it would be embarassing. Thank God I did not and THANK GOD PAUL GOT IN!!! Haha. EEE-CENT-TRIC!!! Haha. 3 words. Haha. I gtg. Last words: PAUL TWOHILL ROCKS!!!

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