Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hey people. I'm just feeling really shitty today. Last night, had a conference call. Heard stuff I really didn't want to hear. All this made me hate this one person a lot. Even more than how I hate WHORIANA, because she's a whole lot more hell than her. I never thought that I can ever meet anyone worse than WHORIANA. FUCK! I FUCKING HATE THAT FUCKING BITCH MIDGET!!! FUCK! Forgive my french but I'm just really fucking pissed now, so ya. She's such a FUCK FACE FLIRT! BACKSTABBING, BITCHIFIED, FUCKING, SLUTTY, MIDGET! FUCK YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU! I REALLY HOPE THAT IF YOU EVER COME ACROSS THIS BLOG, YOU KNOW WHO I'M REFERING TO. SINCE YOU'RE SO KEEN ON FUCKING PEOPLE UP, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO WORK AS A PROSSY! FUCKER! YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO AROUND FLIRTING! WORKING AS A PROSSY WOULD PROBABLY SAVE YOU SOME ENERGY TO FUCK SOMEONE! WHY DID YOU EVEN PRESENT HIM WITH YOUR SMELLY CUNT! HE MUST HAVE BEEN HAVING A BLOCK NOSE MAN!!! A REALLY BAD ONE. FUCK YOU!

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