Tuesday, June 20, 2006

TODAY WAS GREAT!!! Went ICE-SKATING with, HANS, MAJELLA, KENNETH, VICTORIA and her 3 FRIENDS! It was BLOODY BRILLIANT! Haha. I never knew Kenneth could Ice-skate. Hahaha. He can!! And pretty well too! Well I can skate decently well too! Haha. It was soooo FUN! HANS taught JELLY how to skate! I supported! Hahaha. We did quite a lot of so-called "speed skating". Hahaha. Raced HANS!!! Lost some rounds... sniff sniff.... Hahahah. SOMEONE jab my shin with the back of HIS ice-skating boots! Because of that SOMEONE, there's a blue black and a cut on my shin! Hahaha. Don't worry "someone"(who is Hans), it was my fault too. Haha.

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