Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hey people! Yesterday, I went ICE-SKATING with Nicole! It was like really tough teaching her how to but she's getting it. Hahaha. Only one fall so far. :D Anyway, after ice-skating, we went to IKEA! Yup! IKEA! It was like fun looking out for stuff we would want to have in the future. Like the kind of plates, kitchen, you know, that kinda stuff. Yea. After that, went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. Talking 'bout stuff. Then the subject kinda drifted to JUDE. You heard me right. JUDE. Of all subjects, HIM! I've been like wanting to forget him, to get over him but somehow it always comes back to my mind! Basically because of what's happening around me! Damn it! Now I have mixed feelings about all this stuff! Sigh. Okay. Today, went to Furama Riverfront for like Adam Khoo's booster camp thingy. Did you know that Adam Khoo trained the Singapore Idol's Top 28? Haha. Yea. It was really fun there! Yea. Oh when the thing ended, some participant asked if I went for Singapore Idol?! I was like NO!? Like hey I'm like not even old enough. Haha. They said that I look like someone from there. Haha. Paul perhaps? Coz of my hair? HAHA. Far from it la. Haha. Went to Dhoby with KRIS!!! Yea. She wanted to sign the birthday card that would be presented to RAIN, you know that Korean singer, on his birthday. Went there and we're like suppose to like meet the people at Delifrance but Delifrance closed down! She was disappointed alright. Let's hope she find the people thourgh email and get to sign the card!!! :D Well, I guess that's it for like this entree. :D

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