Sunday, June 04, 2006

Hey dudes! Kae. Went to ACS IDOL on Friday to support my friend and my IDOL, AMARAYSH! :D Although he did not get 1st, he will forever be MY IDOL! PAUL too. Haha! He totally BLEW me away man! With all the SINGING and MOVES MAN! He was like a TOTAL ROCK STAR! YEA! I like PRACTICALLY SCREAMED my HEART OUT MAN! It was like held at ACJC, all the way at BUONA VISTA man! Vanessa and I got him a SUNFLOWER. Yep. Wanted to get him a bouquet but was broke at that moment. Yep. We got IGGY to give him the flower when he was like walking back to the stage. What's more is that IGGY was like WEARING a PINK SHIRT! Haha! Amaraysh is like from Barker. Get my drift? Haha. As he was like giving the flower, the LIGHT came ON THEM!! Haha! Get my drift? Okay, it's not that funny but yea! Haha. Anyway, tomorrow's DRAMA CAMP!!! Yea! Can't WAIT! I gonna go pack now so BYE!

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