Thursday, February 14, 2008

Okay. I failed HORRIBLY in doing the whole Bill Kaulitz hair. I followed what they said on WikiAnswers... Maybe I didn't use enough wax.

From WikiAnswers:
From what Ive seen, wax and lots of it. I mean lots. Judging by the way it goes up then kind of spikes out he uses wax along the roots, then gel to make the ends stiffer and hair spray to keep it together. Its a pretty expensive routine and wax is hell to get out of your hair/off your hands and the excessive washing of your hair strips out dye and natural oils.

Bill Kaulitz Hair (Tokio Hotel)
Prerequisites: Layered black hair, clip in white streaks (again for care reasons)
Product: Gel, Hairspray, Wax
Instructions: This hairstyle is surprisingly complex stemming from such a simple popular cut that was designed to make hair less bulky. End result: anything but. Ok, wash your hair. Dry it, if you have curly or wavy hair you will want to straighten it first. Then clip in streaks in random places but not so the clips show k? Ok flip your hair upside down and work the wax through the roots, then, not bringing your head up apply gel to the ends. Then douse it in hairspray, and wait until it dries a bit. Then you can straighten up again

This is the result.

Total failure.

Someone please help me... The best part is, his hair is longer than mine. I swear, his head is like the moon, and my head, like the earth.

Sould I give up and stick to what I do best? Like flipping my fringe. HAHA!

I can't believe I woke up so fucking early in the morning. And did my hair. In the morning. I feel so retarded. HAHAHAHA!

Music: History by Funeral For A Friend

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