Thursday, February 14, 2008

Okay. I just found a new way to do the Bill.

Teasing. Take your hair in small sections, hold it up and spray it to death with hairspray. Then, with a hairbrush (I found that a round brush for blowdrying works, too) brush your hair from end to root. It will probably get pretty knotted and/or frizzy and/or snarled. But just try to get the big knots out. It will be super duper volumized when you're done. Just keep spraying and teasing until your heart is content.

I think I'll try that tomorrow. There's already too much wax, gel and hairspray in my hair. Yea.
My dad just woke up. And he didn't see the diff in my hairstyle. He must have thought that it was just bed hair. I swear. I need someone to help me out here.

Music: Civil War by Guns n Roses

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