Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wake Up My Love.

I just woke up. Yea..... It's 2 something.... I slept for 12 hours man.. HAHA! Sleepy head. I just made myself a friendsorenemies profile. It's somewhat like friendster but it's way cooler. HAHA.
I wonder what Jude's doing now.... Haven't seen him for 5 days. Yea....... What shall I do today? I feel so lost without school man... I miss school... I miss waking up miserably for school, bathing with my eyes shut and rushing when the alarm didn't ring. HAHA! Hopefully I'll meet Jude today. (: What shall I cook myself for breakfast? Actually it's lunch time already. Damn... I wanted pancakes with lots of maple syrup..... :( maybe tomorrow....

Music: The Tide by The Spill Canvas

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