Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hey guys. Just came back from Jude's place. Yea. Jude's mum made a HUGE pot of mutton curry man! I swear the curry was ACE! Yea. Then we just chilled. Andrew and Jeremy was there too!

Anyways today is the last day of TWLO"Y"A. Yep. It's day 7 already... SO fast...... I wish i could do it longer. Actually I could! HAHAA! Yea.

Today was damn tiring. Went to town with Jessheel to meet my friend for The Click 5 tickets! Yea. It's so sad that Fitz can't come due to her basketball tournament. Things like this make me wanna say BAAAAAASSSSKEEET! ball........ Yea. HAHAHA! I'M SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW!!!!! I'M GONNA SEE THE CLICK 5 AND THE BEST PART IS, TO SEE THEM WITH JUDEY!!!!! He doesn't look too excited though. Probably because he's sick. HAHA! Okay. Back to what I wanted to say... After I got my tickets, when we were leaving Far East Plaza, it starting POURING! I SWEAR! Luckily I got umbrella. Ella. Ella. Eh. Eh. HAHAHA! Yea. So SHEEEEEL and I had to share the tiny umbrella. In the end, both of us were drenched by the time we got to Heeren. Yea. We shopped for a while and stuff. After that, we decided to take the bus home. HAHAHA! WRONG MOVE!

Why? You'll find out. Read on.

We were thinking to take bus 36 all the way to the airport, then change to bus 27. Yep. But when we got to Marine Parade, we saw a 43 bus behind us. And 43 goes to Punggol. So we decided to alight and get on 43. HAHAAA! We were happily thinking that "Hey we're the only ones in the bus... HAHA!" And we landed up at Upper East Coast Bus Interchange. AHAHHAA! So we walked out of the interchange and took bus 10 and changed to 27. It took us like dunno how many hours to get back to Sengkang la!!!

Yea. I just can't wait for TOMORROW!!!! I get to spend time with my baby while doing something I like! (:

Music: Poison Girl by HIM.

Waiting. Waiting. Wishing.

I waited. In hope.

Hope is just a four letter word.

And so is Love.

We Used To Be Friends, A Long Time Ago.

Well guess what? I'm still awake. Waiting for a certain boy to reply me on msn. Watching One Tree Hill to help me pass time. My eyelids are heavy and they're about to just clamp together and hide my eyeballs for at least three days. One Tree Hill's really addictive. I got Jessheel addicted to it too! HAHA! I wished she watched it faster so that we could bitch about the characters and get really into it. HAHAHA!

Anyways, I just realised that I've recorded A WHOLE LOTTA VLOGS and I have yet to post them up. Yea. When I have the time, I shall post them up and you guys can laugh at how ENORMOUS my nose is. Yea. 

I swear my eyes are fucking tired, but my brain is constantly thinking of rubbish and stuff that I shouldn't think about because they make me insecure and blah blah blah. The thoughts flock my mind. I don't control them. My heart has been "thinking" a whole lot too, and it's getting tired. Really tired. Worn out. Shagged. Exhausted. Fatigue. Sick. Tuckered. Weary. Dog-tired. Dead beat. Zonked. Drained. Enervated. Get the drift of how tired I am of EVERYTHING? 

I wish I could take a breathe and escape life for a little while. Just a little while would make a HUGE diff. Yea.

I miss Jude.

I miss him.

A lot.

Don't ask why.

Because you probably feel this way about someone before.

You know what I'm talking about.

You're human.

Well unless due to some miracle,

Animals can read too.

Music: Calling All Angels by Train.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Octopus Garden

Just came back. Had a really long day at school. Yea. Anyways, after school we went to "study". Hahahaha! Yea. Then later on, my mum called me and asked me if I wanted to go to Seoul Garden for dinner. HAHA! YEA! So I had Seoul Garden. Yep.

ANYWAYS! Today is DAY 5 of TWLO"Y"A. YEP. Not bad... I haven't missed a day. (:

Yea. I'm just gonna go sleep. NIGHT!

Music: Kill by Jimmy Eat World.

It Seems Like Years Since It's Been Here.

I shouldn't have taken the nap in the afternoon man. Now I can't sleep. And when I can't sleep, I think. A lot. Now I feel pretty hung up on life. Yea. I guess it's the song that's making me feel so hung up. I'm listening to Yesterday by The Beatles. It's making me feel like I should have done better "yesterday" and yea. CHANGE SONG!!!! I swear The Beatles have some pretty depressing songs man. Most of them sound damn cheerful but hey, have you listen to their lyrics? Man.... But they're really good. (: I love The Beatles. Yea. Jude came online a while ago, but he just hit the pillow and probably am in Coffee Land somewhere far far away in his head. Yea. I'm just gonna chill and stone, listening to The Beatles.

Music: Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I Have The Hirst, Follow The Ambulance.

I just got back. Met Jude after school. We went to TM Macs for a drink. We were like sitting inside Macs, and there was this cockroach that was outside! The best part was the cockroach started to head towards this woman who was sitting outside and IT CRAWLED UP HER LEG!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Yea. So DISGUSTING! I was on the other side of the glass so i was like madly mouthing the word "cockroach!" and pointing at her feet. I bet everyone thought I was mad. Would you rather a cockroach up your ass anyways? She still didn't get what the fuck I was saying so I ran outside and said "There's a cockroach up your leg!" Yea. WTH. Well after we finished our drink, we went to walk around TM for a while. When I say a while, I mean a while. Yea. We were there for a really short time. Then we left for home. And we reached Sengkang at 2 something. It was short. I wish I could spend more time with Jude. Looks like I've got unlimited wants. We just plugged into Jude's mac and filled the silence with music. Yep. We didn't talk the whole way home. I guess we're both tired.

Anyways, today is TWLO"Y"A day 5! 2 more days only.... Yea. My "love" on my arm is really fuzzy... HAHAH!

Anyhos, we had NUTELLA and BREAD in school today!
We literally brought the WHOLE loaf of bread and the jar of Nutella and spread it on the spot to eat. HAHAHA! Yea. 

So that's about all that happened today. I'm gonna go nap since I haven't got anything to do. Yep.

Music: Goodbyes by JamisonParker.

I Don't Wanna Be Anything Other Than What I've Been Trying To Be Lately.

Okay. It TWLO"Y"A Day 4. Yep. I look really sleepy in that picture. Anyways, my marker ran out of ink so I scratched LOVE onto my arm with a pen. Yep. Was studying with Jessheel just now under my void deck. Just like a Mat. HAHA! I brought a bag to put all my study stuff in and guess what I found in my bag. My brother's underwear and socks. WTF! I have no idea how long it has been in my bag man... It's so disgusting!!! Jessheel started laughing her silent laughter and occasionally adding in a few really loud draw-backs. HAHA! YEA. Now I get Accounting. It quite simple actually. Econs... I made a MINDMAP!!!! Yea. It's still a little confusing but it's clearer now. Anyways, I'm gonna go watch my ONE TREE HILL now, so yea.

Music: Holding Out For A Hero by Emery.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hands, Like Secrets, Are The Hardest Things To Keep From You.

Hey people. I am damn shagged right now... I just feel like dropping dead. Anyways, today was DAY 3 of To Write Love On "Your" Arm. Yep. School was fun. Played truth or dare in the library. I borrowed another book. M Asfian invaded my Microsoft Office. Again. Okay. I'm really too tired to lift another finger and press on these keys on my keyboard. I'm off to konk land.

Music: God Loves A Liar by The Wilhelm Scream.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hey fellow Lillie World vistors.... HAHA! Doubt there'll be a lot but Lillie World is just a place for me to voice out my voice. Make sense?? Whatever la. HAHA! Today is To Write Love On "Your" Arms day 2. Yep. Huiting joined me too! (: HAHA! I should get more people to do that man. The we can put our arms in together and take a WICKED photo with my toy camera!!! Yea.

Anyhos.... I just came back from Compass Point. Had dinner and copied notes with Jude. He was going on about cars. I really don't know much about cars. I'd LOVE a Mini Cooper though. Yep. Jeremy joined us shortly. Yep. Walked around for a bit. I SAW MY AP MAG IN THE STANDS AT POPULAR!!! I haven't got my June issue yet la! Usually I'll get it like fucking early. I've been really busy so it kinda slipped my mind. GUESS WHO'S ON THE COVER?! COBRA STARSHIP!!!!!! MY GABBBBBBEEEEYYYY!!!! MWAHHAHAHA!

Anyways, school was just school. Had a CSA test today on Excel. I achieved 10 marks out of 15 marks. Not to shaby if I had to say so myself. *pats my own back*. Darren was being a dickhead as usual. He insulted Huiting (or should I say Paige) so I, being such a friend I am called him a self-wanker. And he said "What's that?" BWAAAHAHAHAHAH! Is he even a freaking dude? Horse-rider. Is there even such a word? It's called a Jocky, dick.

Music: Dismentle, Repair by Anberlin.

String Me Along, Like A Beautiful Love Song.

You string me along and hang me out to dry. Awesome isn't it? Great how you strike up a conversation and ending it merely by leaving me hanging, not knowing what I did to make you do that. AWESOME.

Music: True Love by Madina Lake.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day One Of To Write Love On "Your" Arms.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

To Write Love On "Your" Arms.

Hey guys! A reminder about the To Write Love On "Your" Arms, starting tomorrow from 6 am all the way until the 30th of May, 9 pm. For those who are still unaware of such an movement, here are the details.

Event InfoHost: The People of the World
Type: Causes - Rally

Time and PlaceStart Time: Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 6:00am
End Time: Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 9:00pm
Location: Where ever you are
Street: On whatever street
City/Town: Nowhere, OK

In Honor of:
18 out of 274,000 teens kill themselves
1 in 5 teens consider (think) suicide.
1 in 6 made plans
1 in 12 had attempted suicide
8 out of 10 ask for help before the commit suicide

Starting on Sunday write the word Love (in any language) on your Forearm.
Please invite as many people as possible.
TWLOHA = To write Love on her arms (see
The point is not to advertise peple to go to or use this group for help although if you need or
want to then do so. they are a great group of people for a great cause but, the point is t let
people know that people hurt and when it gets to the point where they are so low that the need
a life line we can be there to help them.
I am going to start a group called "I faced Death and chose love". So primary goals as this group but its mostly so i can but the pictures from this event somewhere. Also let me know if you have
a beter idea for a name.

Yep. It doesn't take much to take a marker or a pen or whatever and write the word "Love" on your arm in support for this. Love Is The Movement. 

Music: You're Not Alone by Saosin.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I've been extremely lazy on updating my blog... Been really busy with the projects that have been piled on us... There's this Communications Skills Test tomorrow. We're supposed to like write an essay on either the Internet, or Fashion, or Environment, or Sports. Well it's kinda obvious what I chose la. Environment. I'm gonna write about the terraforming of Mars. The topic is so vague anyways so I decided to write about the environment of another planet. Well I bet everyone's gonna touch on global warming and stuff. So right now, I'm gonna go do more research to back my essay up. (: I promise I'll update this stinking blog soon. 

Music: Killing It by A Wilhelm Scream.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Chilling out at Jude's place right now. (: School had CCN day. Had gastric in the morning, so we backed out of the business olympics. Yea. It was lame anyways... HAHAHA! Yea. We chilled out and laughed and laughed... I swear I've never seen so many people out in the school corridor in my LIFE man! Yea. Jes had no luck with FABIO today. Poor thing... HAHA! Well we've got another 3 years to go... (: Okay. I shall continue later when I get back. (: 

Music: Hold On by Good Charlotte. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Went back to school today for project.... AHAHAHAHA! It was more like a laughing session la. HAHAH! Jes and her FABIO. SIMON and HUITING and their married-ness. Daphne and her PUSSY CAT! HAHAHAHA! yea. I'm damn tired so I shan't type so much. BYE!

Music: Tainted Love by The Cure. 
Okay. I forgot to link up this video we made during CSA lecture. HAHA! 
TODAY WAS UNBELIEVABLE. Yea. I'm just gonna leave it at that. Ask me for details. I MIGHT tell you everything or leave out stuff. (: I'm really tired so I'm gonna sleep early for once. GOODNIGHTZZZ! Okay... The ZZZs were unnecessary but yea. PSHYEAH! 

Music: Ching-a-ling by Missy Elliott. (Hip Hop Sae...... AHAHHAHA!) 

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The All-Eighteen Year Olds Rejects.

Okay. HERE ARE THE PICTURES! GRAB 'EM! HAHA! Thanks guys for today! (: Actually like last night because it's already really early in the morning... HAHAH! 

Music: Soap Opera by We Are The Fury.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Imagine wearing your jeans by jumping into them. Literally. Or BACKFLIPPING into them. HAHAHA! 

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just came back from school/ dental appointment/ town... Damn shagged. I dunno why but I'm feeling sick. I feel like puking. Jude also not feeling well... :(  So we left town early. Yea. And slept on the train. And took the cab home. The cab driver damn irritating sia. He put his irritating Cheena music so loud that he couldn't hear me. So annoying. I'm gonna go sleep now. CAN'T RESIST SLEEPING ON A GLOOMY DAY! 

Music: Dream To Make Believe by Armor For Sleep. 

Sunday, May 04, 2008

I've been feeling this heartache feeling since yesterday. You know the kind of feeling when you feel really sad about something and it cramps up your whole stomach and heart. Yea. I'm pretty upset about a whole lotta stuff right now. All these stuff are getting all jumbly in my head. I'm kinda emotionally unstable right now. Breaking into tears and all that. It sucks. 

Music: Killing In The Name Of by Rage Against The Machines.
I just came back. Yea. I got misunderstood again. Yea. I just joked like "Wah no one gonna send me up.. Fine la.." I was really only joking. I wasn't aware that I SLAMMED Andrew's car door.. SERIOUSLY! I really didn't know that I slammed the door. How can you think that I was freaking serious about that whole comment when I was waving my hands like a spastic like child once I turned back? Why do I always have to be like that? I dunno? Be like what? Specify yourself. Be like WHAT? What is it that I'm always being? I really don't know. That was the last thing I'd thought you would say. WHAT IS IT THAT I'M ALWAYS BEING?! WHAT? 

Music: Summer Stars by Taking Back Sunday.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Right now I'm under Jude's block with Jude, Andrew and Jeremy. Discussing about business. (: 

Music: For You To Notice by Dashboard Confessional.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Back To The Street Where We Began.

I just came back from Jude's place. Yea. Was there with Andrew too... Anyways, today was TGIF day., Thank God I'm Female and Thank God It's Friday Day... So all the girls from my class was supposed to wear a dress or a skirt, but unfortunately, some of the girls didn't wear a skirt or a dress. Yea. I WORE A FREAKING DRESS LA!!! I swear I will never want to do that again. Well at least not to school. HAHA! I have no idea what possessed me to do that man... Anyways, it's the 2nd of May. Today marks the 8 months since we got back together. Yea. It's the longest we've been together man... HAHA! Anyways, he kinda didn't know how many months it was and he was like guessing. I guess I have a very strong emotional memory. Girls are known for having really strong emotional memory. They'll remember every emotional thing that happens in their life. The memory is so great that they can remember where, when, who, what and what the person wore. Yea. I guess it isn't too important. It's only 8 months. Why only celebrate once a month or once a year when you can make an effort to spend every waking moment with the one you love. Yea. But it is nice to do something special on special dates. Yea. 


Music: Landing Feet First by Bayside. 
LILIAN HERE!!!! Yea. It has been quite a while since I blogged. Yep. Anyways, I found this really HILARIOUS video on YouTube. 


School tomorrow.... Argh.... At 9 some more!!! Double Argh.... 

Music: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me by The Smiths.