Friday, May 30, 2008

It Seems Like Years Since It's Been Here.

I shouldn't have taken the nap in the afternoon man. Now I can't sleep. And when I can't sleep, I think. A lot. Now I feel pretty hung up on life. Yea. I guess it's the song that's making me feel so hung up. I'm listening to Yesterday by The Beatles. It's making me feel like I should have done better "yesterday" and yea. CHANGE SONG!!!! I swear The Beatles have some pretty depressing songs man. Most of them sound damn cheerful but hey, have you listen to their lyrics? Man.... But they're really good. (: I love The Beatles. Yea. Jude came online a while ago, but he just hit the pillow and probably am in Coffee Land somewhere far far away in his head. Yea. I'm just gonna chill and stone, listening to The Beatles.

Music: Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles.

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