Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Diary, My Teenage Angst Has A Body Count.

Hey. I hate school. I hate school because I'm not good in any subjects that are like tested. I hate school because there are cliques that hate us (jes, HT, Dapohneh, me.) I hate school because I'm doing something I hate. Yea. I walked out of accounting tutorial today. Yea. That old fart was pissing me off! If i stayed on, I will have challenged him, which will get me into more trouble. So I went out and chilled for a while, then went back in. Yea. Anyways, when I went back in, Yvonne threw me a glance like I was a really dirty puppy with rabies. Yea. Whatever. I just sat down and drew a picture of the ASSHOLE. Like making fun of him. It really made me feel better.

I really want to go to design school. At least no stupid memorising shitz.

Music: Crimson by Therefore I Am.

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