Sunday, May 07, 2006

Hey hey hey! I went to shape my eyebrows yesterday and now they look GORGEOUS! Haha. I know. Self-praise, no grace. Haha. Anyway i went shopping with my mum yesterday and I bought this really nice bracelet made from glass-beads. It's really simple to make by myself but glass-beads are like really expensive and they were only fo 5 bucks! So ya, I bought them and they're so PRETTY! We were at Tampines Mall then. At Isetan, I saw this really nice pair of ear studs handmade all the way from HAWAII! They're so CUTE! It was like flower studs made from rubber plastercine. SO CUTE! There were SLIPPER studs too! I so gotta go back there to buy it! :D Then on the way to the bus stop, I saw my COUSIN! Yae! Now I have someone to take the bus back with! My mum's going to work so ya. Anyway, we waited for bus 34. When it arrived, I boarded the bus and the diver was sooo WEIRD! He started pointing at me and laughed as if he knew me! Come on man! I don't have any BUS-DRIVER FRIENDS! SOooo. I ignored him. Such a weirdo! Any way at like 4.30pm, My couzin, brother and I went to the BEACH at PUNGGOL END. For the first time in my life, I saw Punggol End PACKED with people! Anyway, I whipped out my trustworthy, MR. LIQUID PAPER! and went to find a space to write something. Through the process of finding a space, I found a space which used to belong to JUDE and me. USED TO. Anyway, I striked it out and wrote LIAR next to the word 4eva. And I added something else. People who want to know can always make a trip there with bus 82. Anyway, as I was like walking back, I saw this comment which wrote: JUDE AND ORI FOREVER. Hahahah. He's so DESPERATE that he's ACTUALLY going with THUNDER THIGHS? Haha. I don't know when it was writen but I just HAD to make an EXTRA comment. "BET YOU LOVE FUCKING A WHORE!" I MEANT to write WHOREriana but that would just be TOO MEAN. Anyway, I spent the rest of my time picking out dead CORALS. They're so GORGEOUS! Anyway, that's about the hapening stuff that happened YESTERDAY. Today would be boring so ya. Chinese tuition, Studying for Physics. YA. Bye Bye.

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